SpongeBob and Patrick

Monday, June 20, 2011

Before this, I thought the Yellow thingy is actually the sponge we use in the kitchen for washing hahaha. Yaaa yaaa...I'm what they called "Katak dibawah Tempurung" (translated to english is frog under the coconut shell) LOL!!. Just that I've never bother to learn more when people say Spongebob Spongebob...yaa I know the yellow sponge.  

I had to do some research and obviously, I'd learned that they lived under the sea and the yellow sponge is actually a sea sponge. Wahh so clever! I didnt know got such thing called sea sponge until today hehe. Accompanying Spongebob is his best buddy Patrick Star (should be a starfish hehe). Hopefully, Oscar will love his birthday cake, a gift from Auntie Jie Ying.